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Help Association Notre|Our Verbier build a digital archive of the evolution of Verbier and Val de Bagnes since 1900

 557 Contributions and counting

La fabrication artisanale de viandes séchées c’est la spécialité d’Arthur Maret, boucher et guide de montagne. Après 24 ans « dans le séché », il songe sereinement à la retraite, car depuis deux ans, Emile Fellay s’est lancé dans les traces de « beau-papa » ! Ayant peaufiné les ficelles du métier avec son coach de luxe, le jeune Bagnard s’est lancé dans la bien belle aventure des Salaisons de Bagnes […]
A selection of photos kindly contributed by Freeride World Tour of the 2015 Final at Verbier © Freeride World Tour. Photo credits: P Field, D Carlier, D Daher
A selection of photos kindly contributed by Freeride World Tour of the 2000 Final at Verbier. © Freeride World Tour/Jancsi Hadik or Cheez Photo
Early images of Medran I – Medran & Ruinette
Madcap comedy film shot in the 80s. Director: Philippe Bernard. Assistant Director: Claude Ammann. Camera: Trevor Avedissian
From my album of a season with the usual mix of village & snow
I don’t understand the date on the back of this one. Nor do I know who it is. But we have the bicycle, which Philippe’s mom always told us was one of the first bicycles in Bagnes. I also have the license plates for the bike and if I remember correctly they go back to […]
Marie’s photos from her time in Verbier in the 80s. “Owner of La Rotonde far left – I got a job at La Rotonde first and then got swapped with Ulrika from La Grange (with our consent) and these ladies knew what they were doing. Worked out great for everyone. Ulrika and I were 21. […]

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