
Welcome to Our Verbier
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Help Association Notre|Our Verbier build a digital archive of the evolution of Verbier and Val de Bagnes since 1900

 557 Contributions and counting

Kris Stuckleberger, the much-loved chatelaine of the Hotel Mirabeau, tells us her story from when arrived in Verbier in the early 1960s
A speech delivered by André Guinnard to a conference on the future of tourism and his vision for its development in the Alps and in Verbier
A postcard from the book Images de Bagnes
Gill Simpson (formerly Glasgow) gave us some photos from the early 80s with her then husband, Simon, and sons James & Tom. Simon was one of the founders of Mountain Air
Kindly provided by Michael Edwards-Ker who featured on the cover. Photo: Mark Shapiro. The Editor was Jean Monnerat. This newspaper was dedicated to all things Verbier. Were there subsequent issues?
This article is from our freinds at Synchro La 3e édition du Verbier E-Bike Festival a réuni 2’823 participants venus (re) découvrir le VTTAE ( VTT à assistance électrique) sur l’un des 500 e-bikes réunis pour l’occasion. Les plus grandes marques de l’industrie étaient présentes avec leurs derniers modèles d’e-MTB! Très satisfaite de cette édition, l’organisation avait également proposé l’épreuve affiliée UCI dans […]

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