
Media Type: Photo

For full article see: Article courtesy of Association Remontees Mecaniques Année de construction : 1985 Année de fin de service en : 2011 Remplacé par l’appareil suivant : TSD6B Mayentzet
For full article see: Article courtesyof Association Remontees Mecaniques Année de construction : 1970 Année de fin de service en : 2011 Remplacé par l’appareil suivant : TSD6B Mayentzet
For full article, see: Article shared courtesy of Association Remontees Mecaniques Année de construction : 1989 Année de fin de service en : 2014 Remplacé par l’appareil suivant : TSD6B Mayentzet
For full article: Artcile shared courtesy of Association Remontees Mecaniques Le télésiège du Mayentzet est un appareil construit pour la future liaison avec le domaine de Savoleyres. Options techniques : Bulles Année de construction : 2011 Ce reportage possède 1 document PDF Remplace les appareils suivants : TSF2 des […]
For full article: Artcile shared courtesy of Association Remontees Mecaniques Le funitel Croix des Ruinettes – Les Attelas, commercialement connu sous le nom de “Funispace”, est le deuxième funitel jamais construit, et le premier funitel de ce type construit par Garaventa, ainsi que le premier sur le sol suisse. […]
For full article & photos: Article shared courtesy of Association Remontees Mecaniques Cette installation construite en 2005 remplace 2 TSF2 Wso. C’est le premier TMX Leitner construit au monde. L’installation a la particularité de monter depuis les Ruinettes et de descendre à la Chaux et aussi dans l’autre sens. […]
Read full article & photos on: Article shared courtesy of Association Remontees Mecaniques Dès aujourd’hui, empruntez la nouvelle télécabine de Médran IV, une superbe installation de 10 places aux cabines épurées. Avec un débit initial de 3200 personnes (3600 en débit final), vous accéderez aux Ruinettes en à peine […]
Article about Dr Hicam el Ghaoui of MediBagnes, Verbier, deployment to Gaza with Medecins sans Frontieres
Tony McLaughlin working in the shop
Ulf took this photo during the European cup in Verbier and it ended up in Powder magazine, so it must be from the season 79
Left Amelie Filliez holding Philippe May (2024 Director of ESSV), on right Lucy Baiffard holding Eddy (owner Chez Eddy- Raclette House) Bruson 1971
Jeannie Righton, sister of Maggie & Austen, died tragically early aged 67 following a massive stroke in South Africa on Tuesday April 13 2024. South Africa was her happy place and luckily it was quick. She first came to Verbier in 1975 to work as a chalet girl for Chris […]
From L to R: Niall Donaldson, Caroline Judd, Rob Hartley, Lucy Macswiney
Postcard from Camille to Maurice Filliez, Bruson Bagnes from the Montreux Palace Hotel. No date, but probably between 1915 and 1920 Y
Postcard to Maurice Filliez (great grandfather of Philippe May) from Camille (not sure of last name) from a hotel in London (we think Maurice worked there a few years based on other papers) Dated 16 August 1915. Great old connection between England and the Val de Bagnes!
I don’t understand the date on the back of this one. Nor do I know who it is. But we have the bicycle, which Philippe’s mom always told us was one of the first bicycles in Bagnes. I also have the license plates for the bike and if I remember […]
Cabane Val Des Dix Probably 1920 or so, found with cards of that era
I actually thought this postcard was from 1918, but then noticed the 13. So the date is actually 19 August 1913.
This is a fairly large photo I found. (About 8×10 inches) Philippe says the date on the back is 19, so I’m assuming 1919 which seems correct by the clothing and another postcard from 1918 I found along with it which I’ll send momentarily
Ulf looked in his archive and found some B/W from the 70s Verbier profiles, Marcus Bratter, Kevin and Marko Shapiro

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