
Contributor: Michael Constant

I cant remember who gave us these classic photos
Jeannie Righton, sister of Maggie & Austen, died tragically early aged 67 following a massive stroke in South Africa on Tuesday April 13 2024. South Africa was her happy place and luckily it was quick. She first came to Verbier in 1975 to work as a chalet girl for Chris […]
Pierre commémorative située le long du bisse Se balader le long du bisse qui serpente dans les hauts de Verbier réserve des surprises. A l’image de cette pierre, ornée d’une croix, située au bas de La Chaux sur laquelle sont gravés trois noms : ceux de R. Meylan, H. Dentan, S. […]
Nicky, a well known skier, first came to Verbier in the mid 60s with his parents. His father, René, was a famous entertainer who compered tea dances at the Farinet and the Farm Club. Nicky became a telemarker and wrote the first rulebook for assessing telemark instructors. He has a […]
Kris Stuckleberger, the much-loved chatelaine of the Hotel Mirabeau, tells us her story from when arrived in Verbier in the early 1960s
From my album of a season with the usual mix of village & snow
A selection of photos of legends, cow fights and geezers

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